Burnley : News

Burnley named friendliest place in the UK

Burnley headlines in The Times today – ‘A proper oasis of warmth – That’s Burnley’

Burnley came top in a prosperity index for being the friendliest place in the UK and when it comes to how many friends and neighbours people can count on in an emergency Burnley is the place.

The Times reported Burnley has been named the friendliest place in the UK, with friends and neighbours judged more likely to help out in a crisis than anywhere else.

The finding comes in the Legatum Institute’s UK prosperity index, drawn up because the foundation believes that existing measures of prosperity are too narrowly focused on wealth.

Although it uses income as one of its criteria, it adds a mix of other factors including how well people get on with their neighbours, quality of schools, the natural environment and how safe people feel.

